Church Life

1st Sunday of the month:

Holy Communion

2nd Sunday of the month:

Praise and Worship: less Liturgy,  more informal and more singing

3rd Sunday of the month:

Morning Prayer: Book service with Organ accompaniment

4th Sunday of the month:

Community Praise, All age family worship,  more informal and interactive.

5th Sunday of the month:

Holy Communion

Sunday 23rd February

Book Service

The Second Sunday Before Lent

Leader Rev Viv Mitchell

Preacher Rev Viv Mitchell

Collect The Second Sunday before Lent

 Almighty God, you have created the heavens and the earth

and made us in your own image. 

Teach us to discern your hand in all your works and your likeness in all your children.

Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit reigns supreme over all things, now and for ever.


Services for the Month February 2025

Sunday 23rd February

Book Service

The Second Sunday Before Lent

Leader Rev Viv Mitchell

Preacher Rev Viv Mitchell

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Sunday 2nd March

Communion Service

The Sunday next Before Lent

Leader  Barbara Westhead

Preacher Rev John Sephton

Sunday March 9th

Praise and Worship

The first Sunday of Lent 

Leader  Peter Dickinson

Preacher Rev John Sephton

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Sunday March 16th

Book Service

The second Sunday of Lent 

Leader  Rev David Towler

Preacher Rev David Towler


School Nativity and Tree service
Advent Afternoon Tea December 2024

Harvest Festival October 2024

Harvest Festival wonderful to see the school children from St James’ School leading the service. 

Thank you Lord for the generosity all those gifts for the

Food Bank and the  Liberty Center.

Church Services

As a Church of England parish church, St James Westhead offers regular services on a Sunday, all at 10:30am,

ranging from formal liturgical to informal family oriented services on the following general pattern. 

We robe for Holy Communion only.

We often invite members of the church to share their testimonies.

Many services have their content shared on a large screen for you to follow the service.

All services conclude with drinks, biscuits and often with cake.

We aim to be relaxed, friendly, and welcoming!

For more information about our services and special events, please visit  ‘A Church Near You’ link below:

Church Calendar

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Church Bulletin

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Faith Groups

Bring your friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.

Living in Faith Everyday

We believe that praying, studying and sharing together in small groups forms a real basis for growing in faith.

Our groups meet on Tuesdays each week, currently on Zoom starting at 7:30pm for coffee and fellowship, followed by worship, Bible study and prayer. Please contact us for more details.

Prayer in the Evening

To pray is to make our hearts ready to experience the love of God in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Prayer opens us more deeply to the transforming grace of God. We enter into God’s presence, allowing the Holy Spirit to pray in us.

Our prayer group meets on Tuesdays each week, currently on Zoom, from 6:45pm to 7:15pm. Please contact us for more details.

The Alpha Course

Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space, online or in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.

We run Alpha throughout the year

To sign up for the course, please contact us.

For more information about Alpha click here.

J.A.F.F.A. (Jesus And Friends is Fun for All)

Although primary school age children & young people are welcome to join in any of our Sunday services, our Under 18s leadership team will be there to provide activities and learning opportunities for them outside the service.
A small table & chairs are available in church for younger children who may wish to be near their accompanying adult..
Every first, second, third and fifth Sunday of the month at 10:30am.
On the fourth Sunday of the month, we all worship together.

Liverpool Diocese

Our Diocese is committed to being a Bigger Church making a Bigger Difference, more people knowing Jesus, more justice in the world.